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Tag Archives: disease

5 Vitamins to Nourish the Brain, Support the Nervous System

Did you know? Thai people suffer from cerebrovascular disease on average 1 person every 4 minutes. Reveal that natural vitamins help nourish the nervous system, reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s! Statistics show that Thais die from cerebrovascular disease, which is a neurological disease, every 4

Almond Milk.

Almond milk is made from almond kernels blended with water to form almond milk. Some brands may contain starches or stabilizers to make it last longer. Unsweetened has less calories and carbohydrates compared to cow’s milk. One cup of almond milk has about 30–60 calories and only 1 gram

Benefits of Flax Seeds.

Flax seeds have long been known for their health and medical benefits. Eating flaxseed may provide health benefits in the following ways: Strengthen the heart. Flax seeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid. (Alpha-Linolenic Acid: ALA), which is an unsaturated fatty acid in the Omega 3 group that is  essential to

Difference Between Depression and Bipolar Disorder.

The hallmark that distinguishes depression and bipolar disorder is that People with depression feel bored and sad most of the time. While people with bipolar disorder may experience depression. Interspersed with a cheerful mood than usual. The personality of people with bipolar disorder will switch and look like they

The benefits of oysters.

Oysters are one of the most popular seafood for Thai people and people around the world. They can be used to cook a variety of delicious food. They can be eaten both fresh and delicious. And cooked in many ways, baked, steamed, stir-fried, fried, etc.  In addition