9 Ways to Get More Protein at Every Meal

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Protein” is an important nutrient for the body, especially for those who exercise heavily to improve and restore muscle mass to be strong and complete. So, how can we get more protein than before? Without suffering, here are 9 tricks that you can do without forcing yourself

Why should I eat more protein? I believe many people wonder about this question. First of all, protein is like the body’s energy unit. It plays an important role in tissue development, appetite control, and maintaining and improving muscle mass. According to Piedmont Healthcare, โปรโมชั่น ufabet eating enough protein will help you:

  • Recovering after exercise and/or injury
  • Less muscle loss with age
  • Maintain a healthy weight

Now that you know the reasons, let’s dive into how to get more protein into your diet, according to nutrition experts.

10 Ways to Get More Protein

Cook protein-rich meals in batches

Batch cooking is a form of meal preparation that allows you to cook large quantities of food that you can reuse throughout the week, such as chicken, fish, or beans.  

“For each meal, at least one serving should be served, which should fill about 1/4 of the plate.”

For breakfast, you can add a hard-boiled egg or Greek yogurt, swap it for a high-protein milk or add protein powder to your oatmeal. And for lunch and dinner, have prepared chicken. Add tuna salad, tofu, roasted chickpeas and seeds for side dishes and salads. If making soup, use bone broth in place of regular stock for added protein.

Shop for grilled chicken

If you don’t have time to prepare food, you can buy grilled chicken from the store or supermarket that is already cooked. It can be easily transformed into chicken salad, soup, and stir-fry. (Be careful not to eat too much chicken skin.)

Focus on breakfast

Eating a high-protein breakfast can help increase blood sugar levels and control appetite throughout the day. Plus, breakfast is one of the easiest meals to add protein to. Adding green leafy vegetables like spinach, sunflower sprouts, and broccoli will help increase protein levels.

Invest in a blender.

Blenders can make protein smoothies, shakes, and soups quickly, making it easier to get more protein in. Some people can even make a hot bowl of soup in under 10 minutes!

Dear Bean Friends

Beans are a great way to add protein without a lot of meal prep. They’re a great source of plant-based protein,” like edamame, peas, and chickpeas. You can add them to your favorite salad bowl, as just 1/3 cup of beans adds 14 grams of protein.

Look for products rich in protein

Nowadays, pasta is made from protein-rich ingredients like chickpeas, lentils or quinoa, which will give you more protein. There are also many protein-rich alternatives, especially for breakfast foods like pancakes, waffles and some breads. You can also top your plate with cashews, almonds or nut butters, tofu and sliced ​​fruit for a healthy morning dose of protein.

Prepare an egg dish

If you’re looking for a convenient, high-protein breakfast that’s already made for you, look no further than hard-boiled eggs or egg muffins. An easy tip for adding protein to your breakfast is to try making egg muffins, made with eggs, cheese, and turkey bacon for a protein boost.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is higher in protein than regular yogurt and also has gut health benefits due to its probiotic bacteria.

Whey protein powder

Protein powder is a convenient way to get a high-quality protein boost anytime, anywhere. You can ultimately use protein powder by mixing it with milk or water, or you can add it to things you already eat, like oatmeal or smoothies.